Thursday, March 29, 2007

Express yuorself

Global Warming is the way to say that Earth is heating up. The glaciers are melting everywhere. Sometime later there will be no ice in antartica. The thing that worries me is that it is gona pase and kill many people. I don't want that to happend. We should had taken beter care of the envioment that we live on. The poor animals and plants that suffer by what humans did.

We can't go back on time so we have to do something now. We have to stop using cars and stop inventing factories. That are some of the ways to provent global warming until alot of time. That may also slow down global warming. If we do that the Earth will hold a little longer. And plants,animales and humans will live a longer live.





how to provent global warming:


Global Warming Video

How to provent global warming

Guayanilla, Salinas y algunas partes de Humacao -como Punta Santiago y Palmas del Mar- desaparecerían en los próximos años ante los impresionantes cambios climáticos que ya están ocurriendo y que han ocasionado, entre otras cosas, que el año pasado fuera considerado el más caluroso del siglo.No se trata de imágenes de una película de ciencia ficción, sino de las evidentes consecuencias de lo que se conoce como calentamiento global, un aumento en la temperatura de la atmósfera terrestre y de los océanos que ha desatado el derretimiento de los glaciares y el aumento en el nivel de las aguas.

global Warming Defenition

Global warming- is the observed increase in the average temperature of the Earth's near-surface air and oceans in recent decades and its projected continuation.